Summer Projects
A couple days after Lilly was born I woke up at night to feed and change her. Upon my waking I had an urgent sense of "must be ready for the cold". Again a couple hours later, it happened again. Now usually I don't have foreboding type "premonitions" but this really hung heavy on my mind. This wasn't the kind of fun fall-itchy-knitting-fingers ready, or the kind of enthusiasm for the 101 projects I want to start at the first hint of cool breezes. It definitely had a heavy ominous feeling that didn't make me giddy or thrilled inside.
I've also been thinking about how this is all from an attempt at being ready for "something", when long ago this was the norm for everyone. Everyone had to store up for the cold seasons in this way. Its such a shame that we, as a "civilization" have had to re-learn the art of "survival" which was just normal everyday life for thousands of years, regardless of where a person lived or how rich or poor they were.
So Ive been setting up goals through these last few weeks to get small things done in order to see larger long term results. I pray that it gets done, and in the proper capacity in which it is needed.
What about you? Have you had any feelings of this kind? If so (or not) what are the projects you are working on now, for your benefit this fall/winter? Share with us!
Herbs, Skills and Compassion