
Monday, April 4, 2011

"Patternless" Patterns Links

   So sorry for only getting one post in this last week. We are starting to get things rolling with gathering things for our home birth and having more running around to do. I have also been playing with my newly transformed Singer treadle. I'll have to get a picture up for you soon- Its quite a monster of a thing as we took the iron base and slipped it up underneath the cabinet that the machine was originally in. It *just* fit. It certainly won't be winning any aesthetic awards, but it is functional, practical and my son can't jerk it off the table and onto the floor by tripping over the cords (I've lost three machines that way). 

   So as I promised, I have several links for patterns that you might find interesting and useful.

Here is a neat LINK for making different kinds of underwear. Patterns are free and may be printed out. Basic sewing knowledge is required. It says on the front page that it is underwear for men, but obviously this is a language translation mistake, as most of the patterns are for women. This is a lovely set of instructions from an Asian lady.

She even includes a pattern for a simple BRASSIERE for those who are able to wear smaller sizes (not much support needed), and a CAMISOLE.

Another link hub for FREE CLOTHES PATTERNS  includes these items of interest:

I'm a sucker for historical clothing. My husband would flip if started wearing these full time (though some day I'd like to make a set for me and my girls to have fun with). Here is a neat set of instructions for a CIVIL WAR ERA SKIRT  and project instructions for DRAWERS made from pillow cases. I do wear petticoats all the time, as I can't abide the feel of synthetic slips. Another neat set of simple instructions for a PETTICOAT made from a dust ruffle for $1.00. 

I may go ahead and keep adding patterns to this page and to the tab at the top of the page as I come upon them. Obviously I'll probably pass on things that I myself could in good conciensousness wear (with the exception of the mens underwear and ties!), but there are many more links on some of the hub pages that might interest those with differing style opinions.

Hope you enjoy- and happy sewing!


  1. You have a nice blog
    come visit me


  2. Oh, that petticoat from a dust ruffle is just perfect! Thanks for all the links ...
