
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Red Raspberry Leaves

  It wouldn't be hard for me to put raspberry leaves in my top 5 Favorite herbs. I and my family have received so much good from this little leaf that I regularly order and pick it in large quantities. It has such a broad range of uses that its hard not to look at it as a "heal-all". It is always at the top of my list when I or my family experiences any of the following:

  • Colds, sniffles, runny noses
  • Flu and diarrhea sypmptoms
  • Vomiting
  • Gas or intestinal distress (couples great with catnip for collic!)
  • Eye problems like stys
  • Any symptom stemming from menstrual issues
  • Need for pregnancy assistance
  • Any problem stemming from toxic blood (acne, boils, eczema)
  This morning my daughter woke up with a runny nose. Half the problem is with the forced air furnace type heating that we have here in our mobile home. Even with turning down the heat at night, these winter temperatures really take a toll on our sinuses.  Usually have a pot of water on through the day to keep the moisture up, but our last humidifier died and I have yet to replace for night use. The first thing that I will give her (among other things) is raspberry leaf tea for all of her drinks today.
  As a partial quote from The School of Natural Healing:
Red raspberry leaves are great for cleansing a canker condition of the mucous membranes in the alimentary tract, leaving the tissue toned. When taken regularly in pregnancy , the infusion will quiet inappropriate premature pains and produce a safe, speedy and easy delivery. Raspberry leaves stimulate, tone and regulate before and during childbearing, assisting contractions  and checking hemorrhage during labor, relieving after-pains, then strengthening cleansing and enriching the milk of the mother in the post-delivery period.
  In several places on the web I've found that they have listed red raspberry leaves as something to avoid in the first part of pregnancy, and recommend it only for the last part of pregnancy or only in delivery. This is such a shame. What these people are cautioning against is the use of the cultivated variety Rubus idaeus, and its use by those who are prone to miscarriages. Not sure where they get their statistics from, but they give this variety  "credit" for causing those prone women's miscarriages. In my reading I have never come across one who has miscarried because of the use of idaeus. In fact just the opposite, those that have problems with miscarriage find it favorable with preventing miscarriage and helping all through the pregnancy. Should you wish to use raspberry but are cautious or wary about this finite possibility, find the Rubus strigosus variety (wild raspberry).
  In all this herb should be your go to in every case of diarrhea or colds as it regulates the bowels and calms the whole digestive system leaving it toned.
  It couples well with peppermint for a nice refreshing drink not only for summer, but  throughout the rest of the year as well.  Teenagers can be helped immensly by drinking one cup full a day to help with acne and the proper supply of hormones that their changing bodies need.

To Make Tea
  Steep one teaspoon full in a teaball, bag or directly in cup of hot water 3-5 minutes. Strain if nescessary and drink. Honey, Stevia, Agave may be added if you must, but it really isn't nescesary. My children will drink it plain because it has such a pleasant taste, especially with the peppermint (which would also be a teaspoon full or so). Please avoid the use of sugar especially when using blood cleansing type teas as sugar  (no matter  what form e.g. demerara, sucanat etc.) is never good to your body .
  To make a gallon at a time for the family to share Use about 1/4 cup of leaves and 1 gallon of hot water, or leave in a muslin tea bag in the sun for several hours. Refrigerate leftovers for later! 
  Use a dropper to give to colicy babies or those with diarrhea, constipation or acidic stools. I have also used a warm tea as a wash for babies with diaper rash or excess crusties in the eyes in those first couple of weeks that the baby is unable to make its own tears. Freeze in ice cube trays and allow teething babies  (who often have acidic stools and tender bottoms) to gum inside a clean washcloth.
NOTE: Red raspberry leaves are not the same as the red raspberry tea that you will find in the grocery store. This is a raspberry FLAVORED tea. If you have any doubts, check the ingredients on the box.
I hope you will come to love this herb as I do!


  1. This is very interesting, thank you for sharing.
    Yes please share where you buy the leaves. I just bought my own red raspberry plant, any tips for harvesting your own??

  2. I just came across your blog and love it! Very useful information! Thank you.
